Clinic “Santa Monica” offers analysis of heavy metals
Heavy metals, such as lead, mercury, cadmium and arsenic, are everywhere in the environment, so each of us takes in certain doses of these poisons every day and they enter the body. If these substances enter the body in large doses, symptoms of poisoning appear immediately, such as nausea, vomiting, headaches and other manifestations. However, nowadays a slow and gradual process of poisoning is observed, during which toxic substances enter the body in small doses, and the effects are long-term, clinical symptoms appear gradually.
Heavy metals can cause serious diseases in humans, even when inhaled in small amounts. First, they begin to suppress the human immune system. They also cause changes in genes. In the human body, heavy metals accumulate in the liver, kidneys, and brain. Once these organs can no longer withstand this burden, it spreads throughout the body and disrupts the functioning of other organs.
Normally, the human body is quite good at dealing with heavy metals, but when the dose exceeds our ability to get rid of them, toxic metals begin to accumulate. In severe cases, chelation therapy may be necessary. This usually involves the use of amino acids that bind metal ions in the blood and tissues, limiting their toxicity and removing them from the body. When heavy metals enter the body, it immediately begins to fight with essential minerals, such as zinc, copper, calcium and magnesium. This eventually replaces them and prevents organs from functioning properly.
However, chelation therapy is a heavy burden on the body, and should therefore be used as a one-time method or as a last resort if you have chronic heavy metal poisoning. In addition, there are simpler and safer ways to help the body get rid of heavy metals.
It is best to reduce exposure to heavy metals.
To successfully limit the entry of heavy metals into the body, it is important to find out where you come into contact with them on a daily basis and then eliminate this contact as much as possible. There are some known facts that should be taken into account, which could be as follows:
- Consider whether it is necessary to replace mercury dental fillings.
- If you smoke, quit! Cigarette smoking is the main route through which cadmium enters the body.
- Avoid or limit your intake of foods known to be high in lead, mercury, and cadmium. These include shellfish, coastal and inland freshwater fish, deep-sea fish, factory-farmed beef, and organ meats, especially liver and kidneys. These include fruits and vegetables sprayed with pesticides. You should also be very careful with processed foods, alcohol, and caffeine.
- Avoid heavy metals in household products and try to find a safer alternative.
- Install a good water filtration system at home.
- Cleanse your body with coriander and get selenium
It can be used not only as a tasty addition to curries and salads, because coriander or cilantro is also a powerful means of cleansing the body. The use of coriander in food is also effective – it will also help to more successfully remove mercury compounds from the body when silver fillings are removed and teeth are filled with other material. Include foods rich in selenium in your diet, such as Brazil nuts, eggs, onions and broccoli, or use a natural selenium preparation, such as yeast.
Eat algae. The single-celled freshwater algae chlorella (Chlorella pyrenoidosa) is rich in chlorophyll, which binds to heavy metals such as cadmium, lead, and mercury and helps remove them from the body. Chlorella also contains glutathione, which is an essential element in the body’s natural detoxification system. Spirulina is another freshwater algae that can also help the body get rid of heavy metals. Fiber is also necessary for the body to eliminate toxins through the digestive tract.
Make sure your diet is healthy and balanced, because if you don’t get enough of the nutrients your body needs, heavy metals accumulate faster. It’s important to get enough fiber, as it can bind to toxins and help them get out of your body. Cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and kale, are great sources of fiber. They also contain many important compounds that stimulate the body to produce enzymes needed for detoxification and enhance the effects of antioxidants, which heavy metals may not like.
Sweat in the sauna – sweating is one of the main ways in which toxic substances are eliminated from the body. Studies show that sweat contains lead, mercury, cadmium and arsenic, a sauna or a sauna in which you sweat will help cleanse the body of these substances. You can also sweat well in saunas and steam baths available in sports clubs, but an infrared sauna is especially recommended, because the heat of the infrared bristles directly affects the body. For most people, a 3-5 minute session every other day should be enough. When sweating, you should drink enough fluid to compensate for the moisture you sweat out. To prevent the harmful substances you have sweated out from returning to your body, always take a shower after a sauna or bath.
Exercise to build the enzymes you need – physical activity can help your body cleanse itself not only because it makes you sweat. Even one session on an exercise bike can double the amount of enzymes needed for detoxification, which can help your body get rid of toxic metals and other harmful substances. Three to five 20-30 minute aerobic sessions a week should be enough, which should make you a little out of breath. Also, always make sure to shower after exercising.
Heavy metals can be determined by laboratory analysis of blood, however, much more accurate information is obtained by determining their quantity and presence in other environments – hair, nails, urine, feces, etc. When evaluating the presence of heavy metals, analyses can determine 38 chemical elements – silver, aluminum, arsenic, boron, barium, beryllium, bismuth, cadmium, cobalt, krypton, cesium, copper, iron, gallium, mercury, lithium, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, lead, selenium, tin, titanium, zinc, indium, iridium, palladium, platinum, tin, antimony, strontium, uranium, tungsten, thallium, zirconium, etc.
The Santa Monica Clinic has developed a protocol that uses chelation therapy to remove heavy metals and their compounds from the body. Chelation therapy is a medical procedure that involves administering chelating agents to remove heavy metals from the body. During this procedure, a substance is administered intravenously that binds to heavy metal compounds and then promotes their elimination through the kidneys.