Microbiome test

Santa Monica Clinic Offers Microbiome Testing

The human microbiome is all microscopic living beings (bacteria, protozoa, viruses, microscopic fungi) that inhabit our body both internally – in the intestinal tract, urinary tract, oral cavity, genital tract, and externally – on the skin. Microorganisms interact with each other and with the entire human organism as a whole. Their totality ensures the health of our body. These microorganisms are found on the skin, mucous membranes, intestines, etc. The greatest diversity of microorganisms is found precisely in the intestinal tract.

Each person’s microbiome is unique. The similarity in gut bacterial diversity between two people is only 10-20%.

70-80% of immunity is formed directly in the intestinal microbiome. Around 100 trillion bacteria, amoebas, fungi, viruses and other microorganisms live in the gastrointestinal tract. In a healthy microbiome, good bacteria are in balance with bad ones, and the balance between them determines the functioning of our immune system.

Microbiome test mini

Microbiome test mini (bacteriome + microbiome) – analyzes the three main types of bacteria that are found in the gastrointestinal mucosal layer, both in terms of their functional significance and structure. This also includes A.muciniphila, which is considered a good probiotic and is known to provide nutrient metabolism and control immune reactions in its host. F.prauznittii is also determined – one of the most common intestinal mucosal bacteria, which also plays an important role in promoting health. The number of this bacteria is reduced in patients with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. The test also includes the detection of 7 conditionally pathogenic yeast fungi. Intestinal bacteria are also analyzed according to their functional significance – synthesis of butyrate, histamine, phenol, indole, ammonium, etc. compounds from secondary bile acids.

Microbiome midi test

Microbiome midi test (bacteriome + mycobiome + parasites) – determines the three main types of intestinal bacteria, analyzes the presence of 7 conditionally pathogenic fungi and additionally determines single-cell parasites. One of them is blastocysts – single-cell microorganisms that are normally found in the gastrointestinal tract, but in some cases cause abdominal pain, diarrhea or other gastrointestinal problems.

Microbiome midi plus test

Microbiome midi plus test (bacteriome + mycobiome + protozoa + worms + microsporidia). This test includes the determination of the three main functional groups of intestinal bacteria, the analysis of 7 conditionally pathogenic yeasts, protozoa, worms and microsporidia. Microsporidia are spore-forming protozoa, which are very similar in nature to fungi. In a weakened body, they can cause diarrhea and weight loss. This test also includes the detection of blastocysts.

Microbiome maxi test

Microbiome maxi test (bacteriome + mycobiome + parasite detection). This test includes the detection of three main and functional groups of intestinal bacteria, the analysis also includes the 7 most common yeast fungi, determines the presence of unicellular or multicellular intestinal parasites, as well as various blastocysts.

Microbiome maxi plus test

Microbiome maxi plus test (bacteriome + mycobiome + unicellular and multicellular parasites + microsporidia) – determines the three main and functional groups of bacteria in the intestinal tract, 7 conditionally pathogenic yeasts, microsporidia, blastocysts, as well as unicellular.

The microbiome is closely related to human health. Microorganisms break down dietary fiber into important compounds that are involved in metabolic processes and the functioning of the immune system. The population of microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract (microbiota) is the largest and most important in maintaining human health, with more than 1,000 different species. It is worth remembering that the digestive tract begins in our mouth, which is home to more than 700 species of microorganisms.

“All diseases begin in the intestines,” Hippocrates claimed as early as BC.

Unhealthy intestinal microflora affects our physical health, almost everyone is familiar with increased gas formation, abdominal pain, diarrhea and/or constipation. However, changes in the human microbiome also pose risks for the development of diseases such as diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome. It also turns out that an unhealthy human microbiome can contribute to the occurrence of cardiovascular, liver diseases, multiple sclerosis, autism, Alzheimer’s syndrome, Parkinson’s disease. Unhealthy microflora causes metabolic problems, increases the permeability of the intestinal walls, which serves as the cause of various allergies and autoimmune diseases.

For centuries, people have sought various ways to balance their gut microbiome. The most effective is to take good bacteria, or probiotics, which are part of the natural intestinal flora.

Small amounts of probiotics can be ingested through fermented foods, but these amounts of good bacteria are not enough to restore balance to the gut microbiome.

The microbiome test analyzes the bacteria living in the intestinal tract to determine whether your intestinal microbiome is beneficial or, on the contrary, harmful to health. The test results are summarized in a report that includes a complete analysis of the composition and relationships of microorganisms living in your intestinal tract, as well as explanations of the role and importance of bacteria in improving your body’s health, and finally provides recommendations for adjusting your diet and lifestyle to keep your intestinal microbiome balanced and healthy. These tests also allow you to diagnose pathogenic microbes, protozoa, parasites in the intestinal tract, and also identify various types of common yeast fungi. To assess digestive function, it is also possible to determine the presence of various enzymes (pancreatic elastase, bile acids, alpha-1 antitrypsin, calprotectin).

The test will help you understand how to create a diet so that the microorganisms living in the intestines are beneficial to health and help fight diseases, and will help you find a solution to normalize the microflora to improve your well-being, reduce weight, activate metabolism, and improve skin quality.